Online Conferences and Master-Classes
Online Conferences and Master-Classes
Online Conferences and Master-Classes
Online Conferences and Master-Classes
Contact us
Apply between 1st December 2024 and 25th January 2025
Rules & Program
The Rules & Program detailed below are also available here in PDF (in English and French) :
11th Edition : from 1st December 2024 to 25th January 2025
Registrations to our 11th Edition will be open from 1st December 2024 until 25th January 2025 included and takes place online (cf. "Application" below)
The results will be released starting from 30th January and no later than February 10th on our Facebook page, and, later on, our website (see Menu : Laureates).
The competition takes place online, by video recording
Our Jury evaluate the video materials sent by the candidates (see "Application" below) and select the laureates based on these videos.
The evaluation is based on the average score granted by the Jury Members. The candidates who receive the highest level of points will be granted the First Prizes & Grand Prizes (see more details in "Prizes" below).
The Jury's decision is final and without appeal.
Depending on the results of the competition, the Jury reserves the right to:
share the prizes among the participants
not award all Prizes
not award any Grand Prize
not award a Grand Prize in each category
The 11th Edition will be open to Classical & Jazz musicians aged from 3 to 26 years old
Candidates are competing in the different music disciplines below:
1. Vocals (classical, folk and pop-jazz)
2. Piano and accordion
3. Wind instruments (wood and brass)
4. String instruments (violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar, harp)
5. Any folk instruments performing classical music pieces
For each music disciplines, candidates compete as:
- Soloists
- Instrumental and vocal ensembles (max. 8 participants), including teacher-student ensembles
- Orchestras, ensembles or vocal groups (from 9 participants)
Soloists : candidates compete in 1 of the 2 age categories below:
"Little Soloists": up to 16 years old:
Group A : from 3 to 6 years old
Group B : from 7 to 9 years old
Group C : from 10 to 12 years old
Group D : from 13 to 14 years old
Group E : from 15 to 16 years old
"Young Virtuoso": from 17 to 26 years old:
Group A : from 17 to 19 years old
Group B : from 20 to 22 years old
Group C: from 23 to 26 years old
Ensembles & Orchestras: age categories are determined based on the average age of participants.
Nouvelles Etoiles delivers different types of diplomas to laureates
The maximum overall score for a candidate's performance is 100 points.
The score is made up of the sum of the points (maximum 20) received for each of the five evaluation criteria:
• Technical level,
• Respect for stylistic characteristics,
• Level of difficulty of the chosen program,
• Artistic qualities,
• Expression.
Participants may receive a Diploma or a Certificate depending on the number of points that they will be attributed by the Jury of Nouvelles Etoiles :
Diplomas for Grand Prizes laureates: the Grands Prizes are awarded to candidates who have received from the Jury the maximum score of 100 points
Diplomas for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes laureates:
First Prize winners are candidates who have received 90 to 99 points
Second Prize winners are candidates who have received from 80 to 89 points
Third Prize winners are candidates who have received from 70 to 79 points
Participant's diplomas for those who finish in 4th, 5th or 6th places: for candidates who have obtained from 50 to 69 points
All participants who haven't received a prize will receive a Certificate of Encouragement
Special Prize of the Jury: special prizes may be awarded as an additional diploma - or as the only one - for applicants whose performance / conditions of participation have been exceptional by certain standards
Honor Certificate for the teachers of laureates
The laureates' accompanists will receive a Thank You Letter (if asked at the moment of registration)
The diplomas will be sent electronically from 10th February 2025.
Laureates of the 11th Edition will be granted the following prices :
ArtimA association has set up a financial fund totaling 1,200 Euros to be used, in part or totally, to reward the winners of the Special Prizes. The Special Prizes are determined among all participants, regardless of their musical discipline, category and age group.
Grand Prizes and Special Prizes laureates can be invited to perform in concerts in prestigious halls in France and / or in other countries. Some of these concerts could be accompanied by an orchestra. The dates of these concerts will be decided by Nouvelles Etoiles organization committee, depending notably on the global epidemiological situation.
Selected laureates can also win the opportunity to participate for free to a series of online conferences and master-classes animated by the Jury Members of Nouvelles Etoiles or other renowned music teachers (cf. next paragraph below)
Prizes and gifts from Nouvelles Etoiles sponsors
Participation in “Nouvelles Étoiles Summer Music Academy" in Normandy, France
Prize of OFJT (orchestre français de jeunes talents), partner of the competition
Jury members and other experts animate masterclasses for candidates
A series of online conferences and master-classes with the Jury Members and other invited experts are organized in the frame of Nouvelles Etoiles competition. This includes a professional training to candidates' teachers.
Some of these conferences & master classes are offered as a prize for selected candidates as well as to their teachers.
All participants to these conferences & master classes will receive a Certificate.
Apply online via video recording
Candidates have to register by e-mail between 1st December 2024 and 25th January 2025.
To register, candidates must send 2 videos of their performance by e-mail at nouvelle.etoile.competition@gmail.com via YouTube link (or similar online video system):
The length of the program (both pieces) should be up to 15 minutes maximum
Candidates are allowed to play with the scores
We will accept only videos recorded during the last 12 months (not before)
“Home” recordings are permitted
It is possible to send 1 video link for both compositions or 2 different links
Video or audio montages are not accepted
Soloists : 35 € per candidate
Ensemble of chamber music < 6 people (ex. duo, trio, etc.) : 20 € per candidate
Ensembles of 6 to 10 members: 100 € per ensemble
Ensembles of 11 to 20 members: 150 € per ensemble
Grands Ensembles or Orchestras (> 20 members): 200 € per ensemble / orchestra
This fee must be paid before sending the registration form by one of the following means of payment :
Bank transfer (see bank details below)
Western Union (only for bank transfers)
Paypal : centreartima@gmail.com
Pay Send : FR 76 1820 6001 6060 2728 4185 384
Online payment with credit card using PayPlug system (please read the Terms & Conditions on the PDF documents below), by clicking on the following link: https://secure.payplug.com/p/jeiIE2B
For European candidates only: it is possible to pay via the mobile app Lydia at the following phone number: +33640111847
The bank details for payment by bank transfer are:
Association Artima
Bank: Crédit Agricole d'Ile de France
Bank code: 18206 / Counter code: 00160
Account: 60272841853 / Key: 84
Iban: FR 76 1820 6001 6060 2728 4185 384
The bank transfer should be made with the title "Nouvelles Etoiles + name of the participant"
All registrations are final and non-refundable.
Discounts: in case of participation in two or more music disciplines, the registration fee in the additional discipline will be reduced by 50%
Grants: applicants with limited resources and showing exceptional technical and musical ability may receive a grant for all or part of the registration fee. We invite you to make the request to the ArtimA association, along with supporting documents. The grant can be awarded to families in precarious situations, disabled persons, single mothers or families living in conflict zones.
Candidates who have already benefited from the free admission or a fee discount during a previous edition of the competition cannot benefit from it again, except in special circumstances which will be assessed by the committee of the competition.
Registrations must be made by e-mail at nouvelle.etoile.competition@gmail.com and must include :
The artistic biography of the candidate in French, English or Russian, with the contact details of the candidate, his photo and the name in Latin transcription for the diploma
The video link(s) of the performance of the candidate (please refer to the paragraph "How to apply?")
A scan of the candidate's passport or identity card
A proof of payment of registration fees
The Registration Form that you can download below (in English or in French)
The Google Form available on the following link, duly filed : https://forms.gle/E7A6qn3oDVfD9xGV8
Download and fill in the registration form ->
Results will be published between 30th January and 10th February 2025
The results will be published from 30th January and no later than 10th February 2025 our official Facebook page, and shortly after on this website (Menu: Laureates).
The videos of the winners and of the Grand Prizes may be posted on social networks to determine the Prizes of the Public (vote of the public for their preferred laureate in each music discipline).
The laureates of the competition who will receive financial prizes - or their legal representatives - are required to provide the organizing committee with the participant's personal data (surname, first name, patronymic, address, telephone number, bank transfer account number) and, possibly, other information necessary for the proper processing of the file and the sending of the money.
Underage laureates can only receive a prize if their legal representatives request it, upon presentation of supporting documents. Failure to present documents confirming authorization by the aforementioned persons may be deemed a refusal to receive a cash prize under this contest.
Special conditions & rights of the applicants to Nouvelles Etoiles
The participants in the Competition authorize the organizers to process and store the data of the candidates and their legal representatives. The contact details (telephone, address, e-mail) of the participants can be used by the organizers to communicate with them, including to inform them about the upcoming events of the Artima Association.
The participant confirms their consent to the publication and free use of photos and videos sent for participation in the Competition, as well as during any filming during a concert in the context of the competition.
The organizers are not responsible for the failure to receive the necessary information from the participant, including due to the fault of the communication organizations, technical problems and / or fraud on the Internet and / or the communication channels used during the competition.
Nor can the organizers be held responsible in the event that it is impossible to communicate with the participant due to a lack of contact information or erroneous information, including in the event of the sending of diplomas and prizes in cash to the wrong address, due to a spelling error of the address during registration.
Anything that is not governed by these regulations is governed in accordance with the legislation in force in the French Republic.
If, for whatever reason, the Contest cannot proceed as planned, for whatever reason, the organizers may, at its sole discretion, postpone the dates of the Contest.
By applying to the competition, participants and / or his legal representative automatically accept all the conditions and rules of Nouvelles Etoiles online music competition.
By submitting an application form, participants and their legal representative(s) agree to the distribution of the videos sent, as well as the photos and all the audiovisual material that may be produced during the concerts organized in the frame of Nouvelles Etoiles, in the interest of the competition.
The videos of the winners and the Grand Prizes can be posted on social networks, notably to enable the vote for the Prize of the Public.
Tours and concerts organization modalities
The organizing committee of Nouvelles Etoiles competition is in charge of the organization of concerts and rehearsals, advertising, distribution of tickets and invitations to officials and potential sponsors.
The rates and conditions of a possible trip will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
Due to the uncertain epidemiological situation, the organizing committee reserves the right to change the dates of the proposed tour.